A blog to chronicle the adventures of training Portuguese Podengo Pequenos for agility
Play date!
Piper and Drummer are lonely. I've decided. The Border Collie babies have to fight for a teat, crawl over and under each other just to get around and generally have a LOT more tactile stimulation than the Podengos. Piper and Drummer eat and sleep. And gain weight! With only two, Fada can go to them when the cry to nurse, they don't have to work for anything.
Lianne dropped by after work to visit and we decided to put Fada outside and put two of the BC babies in her box with the baby Pods. Piper and Drummer seemed a bit startled at first. "Hey, who is knocking me around?" Then all four settled down into one mixed puppy pile for a nap.
I think I may start put them some of them together 2-3 times a day, to get the Podengos to be a little more active.
Then and Now... pod and faux-po edition :)
I was on my mom's Picasa site the other day looking at puppy pics and found a picture of Panic taken right after we got her. I thought it was pretty funny, and wanted to post a before/after comparison of her. I also have a picture of Dexter at a young age that Carol had emailed me... thought we could post up that one as well!
Here's Panic at about 9 mo (or at least that's what the shelter said), July '06:

Check out the no-chest wonder!
And here she is at the end of November '09 (I realize she's going to look like she has more chest bc she's sitting instead of standing - I think the biggest difference in appearance is honestly the shoulder muscles!):

And here's another fun pic:

And Dexter, as a baby... honestly glad I didn't see him that young, he looks ummm... kind of "interesting"!:

And Dexter all growed up:
Here's Panic at about 9 mo (or at least that's what the shelter said), July '06:

Check out the no-chest wonder!
And here she is at the end of November '09 (I realize she's going to look like she has more chest bc she's sitting instead of standing - I think the biggest difference in appearance is honestly the shoulder muscles!):

And here's another fun pic:

And Dexter, as a baby... honestly glad I didn't see him that young, he looks ummm... kind of "interesting"!:

And Dexter all growed up:

First lines of 2009 - stolen from Daisy's blog!
The first line of each entry for each month - what I did was take the first line from *my* first entry each month because in at least one case my mom posted first. Lisa K - notice 7 out of 12 *are* about the dude, so at least from that, the majority *are* pod-related
1 Dexter stayed with our friend Mary Klein while we were in Hawaii from Dec 12-19th.
2 Got to practice w/Dex at the building again last night, for a few minutes both before and after class... his weave poles are speeding up, so it's funny to see him learn to adjust.
3 Dexter had his first group class last night.
4 Panic, Neat, and Fada competed at the Splash n Dash USDAA trial in Pittsburgh this past weekend.
5 How is Dexter coming along? Very well!!
6 This is Dexter at his second night of Mary Klein's class.
7 Panic, the faux-po, went to a USDAA trial this weekend, it went very well :)
8 Our club’s trial was this past weekend.
9 Last night was *not* Dexter's best... by any stretch of the imagination!
10 Dude had Mary's class last night.
11 I have been thinking lately about what sort of contact performance I want with Spry.
12 Non-podengo post here... so Miss Spry (now appx 9 months old, 19-19.25", which is 2+ inches taller than when we got her at the end of August!) is really becoming a lovely working dog.
1 Dexter stayed with our friend Mary Klein while we were in Hawaii from Dec 12-19th.
2 Got to practice w/Dex at the building again last night, for a few minutes both before and after class... his weave poles are speeding up, so it's funny to see him learn to adjust.
3 Dexter had his first group class last night.
4 Panic, Neat, and Fada competed at the Splash n Dash USDAA trial in Pittsburgh this past weekend.
5 How is Dexter coming along? Very well!!
6 This is Dexter at his second night of Mary Klein's class.
7 Panic, the faux-po, went to a USDAA trial this weekend, it went very well :)
8 Our club’s trial was this past weekend.
9 Last night was *not* Dexter's best... by any stretch of the imagination!
10 Dude had Mary's class last night.
11 I have been thinking lately about what sort of contact performance I want with Spry.
12 Non-podengo post here... so Miss Spry (now appx 9 months old, 19-19.25", which is 2+ inches taller than when we got her at the end of August!) is really becoming a lovely working dog.
Wed evening update
Piper and Drummer continue to put on approximately an ounce per day! And Piper has nearly caught Drummer. At six days old, they pretty much still spend their days doing nothing but eating and sleeping.
Since there are just the two of them, they don't have the jostling and fighting for position to nurse that their Border Collie roommates do. So I spend some time sitting next to the box bumping them around a little (gently, of course. ), pushing them aways from the teats, making them work a little to get there.
Fada is starting to ask to come out of the pen occasionally, even when she doesn't need out to potty. So while she is still really a great Momma, she's ready for a little time off, here and there.
Tomorrow will be a pretty traumatic day for baby PPods... I think I need to trim their nails. ALWAYS a chore on the little ones. Wish me luck!
I will post more pics of each pup later this evening on my picasa site.
Tuesday morning
A view of my "office" area.
The night was not quite as peacful, since Neat's crew is getting more active and got themselves "lost" a few times overnight. They would start squealing and I'd get up and rescue them (put them back next to Mom and sibs).
May I point out the Podengo babies don't get lost, they can ALWAYS find Mom. Of course, maybe that is because they are getting so portly they just don't move far. : )
Promise to be better about updates today! I've fed the Mommas their breakfast and both are happily nursing. Will change bedding soon. A good time to handle each puppy, toss then around a bit, rough them up, etc. Pam and her son Drew are coming by today, will have Pam help me get some more pics of each pup, and I'll do more candids. Promise!
Monday evening
Okay, I'm bad, no more updates today... We've all had a quiet day, once I got the Pods back from the vet (dew claws). We needed a quiet, restful day.
Promise pics and more tomorrow!
Christmas presents!
I got my manners minder for Christmas!! Thanks mom :)
Can't wait to work with it and the contacts. I think it will help us out a ton - it's just so hard to do throwing toys/treats and NOT get that "look back". The bowl of food works well for Panic, but it's hard to call her off of it when she doesn't get the contact right.
Can't wait to work with it and the contacts. I think it will help us out a ton - it's just so hard to do throwing toys/treats and NOT get that "look back". The bowl of food works well for Panic, but it's hard to call her off of it when she doesn't get the contact right.
Monday morning
What a wonderful way to start the week! There is just enough snow on the ground to be a pretty blanket, I had a wonderful Christmas; after all was said and done, and as restful a night as could be expected.
I am pretty bad about new babies. I sleep in the same room for at least a week to ten days. What that does is have me waking up every time someone squeaks. They are almost always okay, but every once in a while a pup is stuck under a mom and needs rescued. Okay, they would work it out on their own if I wasn't there, but I worry. It's what I do. : )
Fada and her little family are heading up to vet this morning. Drummer has rear dews that need to come off, so I'll have all off since we're going. Unfortunately I realized I have no Thuja to give the little ones, so I am just using an extra dose of the Fading Puppy remedy this morning for them. (the name is somewhat of a misnomer, it is NOT just for pups not thriving, but also as a preventive. All the babies have been getting it daily)
Last night went really well. Neat has settled in since her c-section yesterday. She's eating well and mothering. I'll weigh all pups when we get back from the vet today, try to get some pics and video of Drummer and Piper.
Today I get to start really enjoying all the puppies! Okay, I have to work too. I've been pretty slack the last week! My desk is mere feet from the babies though, so I get to watch everyone while I work. Is life good, or what?
LONG night!
Neat's pups are all here, ALL safe and sound, though we did go in early this morning for a c-section for the last. Fada was a trooper, watching from the pen next to neat's all night. She seemed VERY confused when pups would squeak. She would turn around, look at hers, then cock her head inquisitively. I swear she was counting, "1, 2", then wondering who the heck the OTHERS were.
Mike woke up to come down and sit with Fada, Drummer and Piper when we left for the vet with Neat. He said she was WIPED out and was ready for SLEEP. She and her pups re still doing GREAT.
I just weighed them again. Drummer was 6.6 oz at birth, 7.6 yesterday and 8.9 oz today.
Piper was 6.3 oz at birth, 7.3 yesterday and 8.6 oz today. I find it humorous they have maintained their .3 oz difference, but no doubt both are growing readily. No doubt little Fada has plenty of milk!
They are motiving around the box pretty well too. I will get more pics and start some video when I can. I came home and slept for 3 hours, now trying to catch up.
Hungry Momma!
Before the whelping I had increased both girls to 3 meals/day, which has, of course continued for Fada since the birth.
She's been getting about double her normal amount of food each day, but starting last evening still seemed REALLY hungry! So starting today, we're adding a mid morning, and likely mid afternoon, snack. She just ate her oatmeal w/chicken broth eagerly, so I think we'll continue. According to Juliette Levy oats are good for milk production. And it sticks to your ribs! : )
Even Neat, who refused her breakfast, ate some oatmeal a bit ago. Have to run, Neat is whining, wants me back in the pen with her!
Saturday morning
Fada, Drummer and Piper had a peaceful night. Each one has gained an ounce since birth, so I am very pleased. I do have some more pics to upload shortly, but Podengo news may be sporadic today.
Neat's temp has dropped below 99 and she refused breakfast. Neat refusing food on her deathbed would shock me, so I'm pretty sure it means something. She is also in her box digging and whining. So, thanks to Steph for the great lap desk so I can sit here with my computer, in the pen. : ) Please think positive thoughts for our impending "reindeer" litter today!
Peace on Earth
All quiet here. Fada continues to be a great mother, Neat's temp is not dropping (though her pups have), so I don't *think* we'll have more tonight!
And my wonderful husband is going to go out and get me dinner!
Good morning!
Fada had a pretty peaceful first night (what was left of it) with her little Piper and Drummer. I slept in the pen with her, and only one or twice woke up to her whining because one pup was nursing and the other out of her reach.
She may well be the most comfortable brand new Momma I've had though. She is striking a nice balance. No, she didn't want to leave the pups to go out this morning, but once I carried her out, she did her business, then went to the door to return to her little family. Then she happily ate her breakfast. I was ready with chicken broth (which she took right after delivery)
Delivery was a little rough. Fortunately Lianne was here to help me, and Mike and Andy kept Neat (and Havoc) upstairs. I really didn't want Neat overly distressed at this stage in HER pregnancy, so needed someone to sit with her. She labored quite awhile with the first (Piper), pushing, then stopping. I was honestly about ready to call the vet, when we would see the sac peeking out at us. Then the contraction would stop and it would disapear. I could see the sac was intact though, so was trying not to panic.
Finally, the poor little thing got it out enough there was no going back, but I did think once it was halfway out I was going to have to assist in easing it out with the contraction. She was just beat. And yes Carole, they DO seem good sized pups (6.3 and 6.6 oz) for her! Finally a good heave got her out.
Piper came butt first, in a double sac. I hate those! Took me longer than I wanted to get it off her and I saw no movement. God I hate that! Lianne clamped the umbilical and cut the cord while I started rubbing and shaking puppy. Her lungs were gurgley , so I kept rubbing and shaking, but by now, Fada wanted her baby! Last think I want with first time Momma is to not let her have that first bonding moment, so held Piper down where Fada could lick her while I kept her head down and rubbed. Eventually, I was happy enough with her breathing to let Fada have her.
Fada was exhausted! Now I was concerned she was too tired to have the 2nd pup on her own (yes, I worry, it's what I do. ) Fortunately she started contracting again pretty quickly and seemed to have a better grasp on this "pushing" thing. Before we knew it, just over an hour after Piper, Drummer joined his sister.
I had a lot of concern, never having whelped a bitch THIS small before, but Fada was a trooper and, by all appearances, will be a great Mom!
all is well
going to try to sleep a bit. report more later.
Puppies tonight?
Pretty sure she's going into labor. Shaking, panting, digging, looking more pathetic than normal.
Christmas Eve afternoon
Not much happening with Fada, but I may take her temp in awhile, see if it's staying down.
Steph, where is that name list? You need to get it to me!
I think pups have moved back towards the pelvis and her abdomen feels "harder" now. I also think it seems as though a lot of the erratic puppy movement has slowed down. I've noticed that prior to labor in most bitches, things settle a bit before the action starts. So.. maybe Christmas Eve babies!!
Steph, where is that name list? You need to get it to me!
Fada's temp has finally dropped below 99! Now, it may go right back up by the time I take it this evening, or it may not. It may mean whelping in the next 48 hours, or sooner.
Yes, that is how exact this is. : ) It IS normal for a bitch to have a temp drop before labor, but not all do. My PWD bitches apparently never read "the book." They did not go off their food, their temps didn't drop and they didn't exhibit any odd behavior more than about an hour before labor.
Since this is Fada's first litter, I really have no idea WHAT to expect with her. So stay tuned!
Yes, that is how exact this is. : ) It IS normal for a bitch to have a temp drop before labor, but not all do. My PWD bitches apparently never read "the book." They did not go off their food, their temps didn't drop and they didn't exhibit any odd behavior more than about an hour before labor.
Since this is Fada's first litter, I really have no idea WHAT to expect with her. So stay tuned!
The good news is, Neat finally settled down and slept last night. Not only is it Fada's due date and this would be early for Neat, I would like Neat's to "cook" a while longer, but since Fada IS due, don't want hers getting any larger than they are! SO Fada needs to go first. : )
Fada settled in pretty early tonight, looking very content. She could always fool me. The PWDs never really gave any warning, just had puppies! Let's hope Fada is closer than she appears tonight. Her pups do NOT need to get any bigger!
Neat is the one pacing and panting tonight, being very restless. And she's not due till Monday!
Neat is acting more like she's ready than Fada! Fada just laid in the living room and watched The Incredibles with me. Yes, Fada watches TV. She loves TV. She laid and watched, occasionally wagging at her favorite scenes.
Neat was pacing and sigh. Panting, getting up and getting down... Poor baby can't breathe. : (
I'm getting impatient! All ready for puppies and Fada does not seemed inclined to go into labor. : (
STILL waiting
Decision finally made re: Spry's contacts
So I was pretty sure I was going to do a stopped contact for Spry on the DW and teeter, and running on the AF. I've been doing box-work with her alone and before/after tunnels. she's been doing really well. I've also been teaching her 2rto on a board on the ground, also doing well.
She's ready to start working on the box on the AF, but I wanted to start with the AF flat on the ground. Well, unfortunately I really can't disassemble the AF by myself. So.... instead I worked her quickly on the narrower DW box and had her do it on a DW plank :) She did really really well - if she continued to the end of the board she hit it every time. She was having a hard time going ahead of me though. A manners minder would be lovely :) But if she was actually focusing instead of looking at me, she got it great! No leaping whatsoever, and some pretty fast/extended runs too.
However, this lady scares the bejeezus out of me! She is so freakin' reckless. We actually worked on it off of an 8" table, and my goodness, if she came at an angle, she just really could NOT care less if she goes careening right off the other side of the board or not. She will certainly be taught how to safely jump off of the DW!!
So, she will be doing a running DW. I think it's more fun, and I am looking forward to teaching it to her from the beginning, vs Panic who had a stopped and we had this whole history of arguing and leaping when I started teaching her to run. Will still be doing a stopped teeter, so we will still work on 2rto behavior.
I can't wait to see how Spry progresses. She is so fast, and has so much fun playing agility with me. I feel like I've gotten lucky with another fantastic shelter doggie :)
She's ready to start working on the box on the AF, but I wanted to start with the AF flat on the ground. Well, unfortunately I really can't disassemble the AF by myself. So.... instead I worked her quickly on the narrower DW box and had her do it on a DW plank :) She did really really well - if she continued to the end of the board she hit it every time. She was having a hard time going ahead of me though. A manners minder would be lovely :) But if she was actually focusing instead of looking at me, she got it great! No leaping whatsoever, and some pretty fast/extended runs too.
However, this lady scares the bejeezus out of me! She is so freakin' reckless. We actually worked on it off of an 8" table, and my goodness, if she came at an angle, she just really could NOT care less if she goes careening right off the other side of the board or not. She will certainly be taught how to safely jump off of the DW!!
So, she will be doing a running DW. I think it's more fun, and I am looking forward to teaching it to her from the beginning, vs Panic who had a stopped and we had this whole history of arguing and leaping when I started teaching her to run. Will still be doing a stopped teeter, so we will still work on 2rto behavior.
I can't wait to see how Spry progresses. She is so fast, and has so much fun playing agility with me. I feel like I've gotten lucky with another fantastic shelter doggie :)
Wed morning
Nothing yet. Peaceful night, I actually fell asleep early and we slept till 8 this morning! Fed everyone, will do temps shortly.
Tuesday evening
Nothing exciting going on here. Fada has some discharge, but negligible. Temps holding steady. Fada would like a special tiny dog thermometer, thank you very much. Both girls are becoming more and more uncomfortable. Seemed to enjoy going to the 3x/day feeding thing.
I went out today and got several more colors (okay, 5 more) of rick rack at JoAnne Fabrics for Neat babies. Also found some cute fleece in the remnant bin and went to Goodwill and got a great blanket and a flannel sheet. Blanket has polar bears in it. Very cute.
Xmas pictures
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