Judge: Dave Hanson/Val Olezyk
Dates: 8/8-9/2009
Location: Powell, OH (outdoors on grass)
Our club’s trial was this past weekend. Weather was forecasted to be miserably hot… we got off lucky on Saturday – it ended up being very overcast and even drizzling in the morning. Sunday, it was muggy, sunny, and HOT. I was glad it was a small trial, it was just getting to the hottest point of the day when we were done.
Panic had an ok trial. I found myself not very focused this weekend, which didn’t help us.
M Gamblers – this was a VERY doable gamble for us!! Chute-jump-push out to a jump-jump. It was one where you could use your motion well to show what you wanted. Of course, I say “Here!” after the chute. Why the heck would I do that??? No clue. I suck at mental management for gambles!! Opening was not so good – she got 3 0’s for missed contacts on DW and Aframe.
Grand Prix – We disconnected on this one. I can’t even honestly remember exactly what happened, but I know we E’d!
M Standard – Finally a Q. She ran this one pretty well, not as fast of a down on the table as I’d have liked. GREAT DW. 3rd place.
Steeplechase – Overall good run, but I did a FC at the bottom of the AFrame and I lost her. We managed to fix it. Unfortunately not on tape so I’m not sure what happened really. 3rd/Q
M Snooker – Good run! Pretty nice flowing plan – 7, 6, 5. Most people did 7, 6, 4. We finished through 7 and won the class, our 7th Super Q and 14th Q.
M Jumpers – Fun course to run, lots of handling options. She ran it pretty well but I could tell she was getting tired, I felt like I was pulling her around and I put 2 extra front crosses in to keep my motion going. Q, no placement.
M Jumpers – She did really well except I totally pulled her off of one jump. So another E for us!
M Standard – I was also very happy with this run, although she dropped one bar. Not sure what caused the bar to drop, from the video didn’t look like anything I did but I’m sure it was!
M Relay – we ran with Wendy Haas and Lannie. I completely forgot where I was on course and she went off course :( Dumb me. Wendy did a good job with Lannie though!
Steeplechase finals – well, it was a great run! Unfortunately, I looked to the timer to see if they were ready for us, they said “Go” and Panic meandered off to the first jump and over to see Andy. Then she came right back, and I put her over the first jump again. Unfortunately, this was of course an E. So, we would have won if she hadn’t done this (from looking at our time). Bummer!
M Snooker – Planned two 7s and two 5s. Great, flowing course. But in the close, she knocked one of the bars on 5, so we just got 37 points and the Q. My plan did work though as the winning plan for Tim and Viper! This was her 15th snooker leg, for her Snooker Bronze title.
Fancy also ran this weekend! The old sheltie girl had a great time. She ran in jumpers both days and had a blast. I was so excited to have her out running again. She Q’d on Sunday! I am going to enter her at Frank’s September CPE trial (we’re vending) so she can run a bit more. She will hopefully have fun then too!
Next up – Pawsitive Partners in Indianapolis this coming weekend!