
Dexter Agility Update

Dexter has now had 3 weeks of group classes. I am THRILLED with how he is doing. He just loves it. His class is after 2 hrs of waiting - one class where I'm running Panic, and one class where I teach. When I get him out of the crate, I potty him, and then when we come inside he is just trembling with excitement :) I guess he likes it!

I am starting him over on the teeter, using a method suggested to me by Elizabeth Evans. The end behavior is the dog running to the end of the board and laying down (or crouching in play bow) and maintaining that position while the board drops. I got a chance to try it yesterday. The teeter is starting out full height, with something wedged under it so it doesn't drop at all. I started him out at the end, asking for the down. He is so cute about it, he curls his little paws around the end of the board so he doesn't slip at all, and hugs and hangs on :) Right now the board is completely stationary. Then I backchained and had him run just part of the board to the end to "down". He absolutely loves this so far! can't wait to try it out some more next week.

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