
Last night at Mary's class

Dexter was pretty good! We ran standard first. Weave poles were great - he is starting to find the entrance now. I really should actually *train* that to really help him, but he seems to understand it anyway. He had good tables, which is something that had been deteriorating but we worked on in the past week. His DW and AF were great! It's funny, used to be given an AF/tunnel discrim there was NO WAY to get him up the AF. And it really shut him down to realize he chose wrong, and then he'd pout. But now, he always takes the AF! I guess you can tell we'd been working on contacts. But the good news is, that when it's the tunnel and he chooses the AF, I bring him around to the tunnel and I don't know if he can tell he chose wrong or not (I hope not, bc of course it was mommy's fault) but he is not shut down at all. So he ran really really well.... until the teeter. He ran it quickly, it tipped, and THEN he turned around and walked back down. which menat it had to tip *again*. Silly dog. Couldn't get him to complete it. *sigh* Next run in std we just skipped it since I pulled him from standard at YABTC. I think I'm going to do teeter w/him at home and nowhere else for the next few weeks at least.

In JWW he did well although I felt he was slow. I think he's not jumping right. He is crouching slightly before each jump. I don't know why. I want to get him CERF'd on the 21st to rule eyes out. He just got checked by chiro yesterday, no problems. I will try to get a vid of it and post it here.

Panic, let me just say, was kicking SERIOUS butt last night. She had fantastic contacts, some tight turns off of them as well. I am now finally being able to get some more lat distance on poles to position myself further down the line to get a FC or something in that I wouldn't have been able to otherwise. Table was good. Stays were perfect. In STD and JWW I even ran her back to back to challenge ourselves because it means our 2nd run she was really high, and in the past her mental state wouldn't have been conducive to good contacts etc. She also is really awesome now with sends. As long as I give her the right signals she goes and then off I go and she is having some truly awesome tight turns (which we SO need because of her short stride length!) I am so proud of her, she is doing so well. Hopefully it continues improving! We are going to Nationals next year. No trials for Pan pan until Paws Partners in Dec. Can't wait!

Spry update - about 8 months old. She was 17" and 25.5 lbs when we got her at the end of August, she is now 18.75" and 32lbs. She is doing great! I finally taught her "down" and now we are just working on verbally differentiating between down and sit. She is learning to work for a tug toy which is actually going MUCH better than I anticipated. And boy is she STRONG! She could just about tug my arm off. And she doesn't have very good aim when leaping, mouth open wide, for the foot long rope toy. Those teeth hurt when they knock your hand!!

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