
Quick Update - CCDAC

Panic - CRAPPY start line stays... they were so good at our last indoor trial, but I know outdoors is much tougher for her. Will have to start working on that in exciting situations (like ball throwing). She Q'd 3/6 - got a snooker, jumpers, and relay. She was SO close in gamblers. Both standards I think were a total mess! She was hilarious though. Had a blast running 16" and with no startline stay was a good distance away from me in a lot of runs. I must start working on my speed!

Dexter - Andy decided he wanted me to run him, so on Saturday we ran Jumpers. IT WAS AWESOME!!!! He Q'd with a most gorgeous run of 4.75 yps. He is such a great little man. Sunday he ran standard and actually did pretty well, but quit halfway through. Since I was pretty sure we wouldn't even get off the start line (han solo was being himself right outside of the ring as we were setting up, and dexter was not too happy with it), I was honestly thrilled with what we got.

Spry - Got our first standard leg!!! Probably would have gotten another one on Sun but she apparently had to both pee AND poop. So her run involved a lot of excess running past obstacles, and she was overtime. Barely made time on Sat due to fixing the poles about a million and a half times. Her poles used to be awesome so must pull those out again. She also got her 2nd A Snooker Q. Really she had some good runs and I was happy with her 1st outdoor trial of the year!

More detailed post, and videos, later :)

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