
Panic Statistics and goals

I was looking at some of my agility stats today...

Panic's first trial was 4/27/07. She currently has 96 Qs in USDAA.
She hit 25 on 2/10/08 (9.5 months)
She hit 50 on 1/18/09 (took 11 months for that 25)
She hit 75 on 7/18/09 (took 6 months for that 25).
We got our 96th on 10/25/09 so that was just over 3 months, although our next trial isn't until Dec 12/13 so basically minimum 5 months for the 4th set of 25 legs.

I think it's interesting to see how that plays out... I'm not surprised that legs 26-50 took longer than 1-25, given that we were in Advanced and that's where I think we really came together as a team, but it was a process where we were feeling each other out! I think our speediness in getting the most recent legs has to do with entering DAM team where you can get a lot of Qs that count only towards LAA. 7 out of our last 26 legs have been from DAM team.

Panic has a chance to hit 100 Qs at the Pawsitive Partners trial in Indy in Dec, although you can only enter 3 runs a day so we will have to get 4/6 (and two of our runs will be Gamblers, which we are not so good at!)

Looking at some other stats, our Jumpers YPS average is hovering right below 6yps. I'd like to get that on the other side of that line... Standard YPS is right below 4yps, that DEFINITELY needs improved. But we do have a faster table now which will help!

I have a Linda lesson coming up next Thursday. I have been trying to figure out what to tell her we want to work on. I think she has great tight turns. Where else can we speed up? Her WPs are slow compared to the BCs. Also I think she needs to open up more on straight lines, but I'm not sure how to help her do that. Hmmm.


Lisa said...

My suggestion for your lesson: tell her what your goals are (eg. going to Cyno, what kind of runs you'd like to have there, etc.) and let her kind of help you figure out what needs work from there. She's a lot of help when you ask to work on specifics...but she's even MORE help at identifying specifics you hadn't even thought of when she knows what you really want to accomplish. L

Lianne Martin said...

Thanks Lisa, I will do that!