
the weekend...

Well, this weekend of trialing was definitely a 180 from our first! We got there Saturday morning, and I brought Dexter in. He was scared silly! I walked him around a bit to try to loosen him up. He started doing a little better, then got charged by some dogs in crates. Oh great. I have to say the behavior of dogs there this weekend was pretty horrific. There is no way I would have crated Dex in there even if he wasn't very anxious - it certainly would have really freaked him out. VERY loud and lots of charging and angry barking.

I left him in the car during Ex JWW and STD and brought him in again during O Std to walk him around. Did ok but still scared. Then it was our turn to run in N Std. I was mad at myself bc I double checked w/the judge that she'd give us 5 mins between walk through and 1st dog. She said yep, and since we were teh first dog, I wasn't going to get him until the walk-through was done. Well the walk through finishes and they're calling for him NOW. So I rush, don't get treats, and am now anxious. The judge (the ever so nice Anne Riba) told me to relax and take my time. So I got his cookies, but the damage was done, he felt my anxiety and stress. First obstacle was tire, he ran around it and left the ring.

For OJWW, we actually got one jump! And then he left the ring.

After Saturday's trial was over, I brought him back in and walked him around the nearly empty building. He opened up a lot.

Sunday, didn't even bring him in until the excellent people were gone. He was more relaxed for N Std. Did the first jump, ran around the chute (I kept going), did the broad jump, saw the AFrame and said nope, and left the ring. Well, actually headed that way but I was able to stop him and scoop him up.

Open JWW, he was feeling much more relaxed before hand. Even was getting some tail wags!! I was able to walk him in the ring (instead of carrying) which I wouldn't have been able to do in any of the other runs. I was trying to act as normal as possible. It started with a tunnel, which I didn't know if he'd be scared of the curvy dark thing or be ok with it. Turns out he was fine. He actually did pretty well compared to the other runs! He started to leave a few times, but I called him and he came back. I was very happy that he had the bravery to do that. We kind of made up our own course, but for the most part he did what I wanted. Didn't do all the weaves but did some. Certainly not what we looked like at North Olmstead, but I am so happy he was able to make this progress throughout the weekend.

Now the million dollar question, WHY ws he so scared?? I'm really not sure. I sure would love to have been able to read his mind.
Theory 1: This is the building we got him at - he was petrified that weekend, maybe his little psyche remembers and is traumatized there?
Theory 2: This building is a little darker and more echo-ey than similar buildings (Washingtonville - where he is fine), maybe that made the difference.
Theory 3: As I said there were a lot of angry dogs in crates here. He could have felt that energy.
Theory 4: He is a sighthound afterall!

I am sure it's some sort of combination of them all.

We are entered at YABTC in a few weekends. I'm pulling him from standard and leaving him in JWW. We'll see how he does, I'm hoping we'll not have a repeat experience! It really upset me that he felt so scared. It sucks to see your dog feel like that. And we've worked so hard on his confidence. He still needs some time though, he is still a baby dog after all.

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