
Training session at the BRAG building

Great time training at the building last night! Took all four pups down.

Fancy - just ran some stuff, she did fine on jumps, but was slippy on the WPs (long toenails and hair were not helpful though), and took a flying leap onto the DW which made her fall off (not high up)... she was ok but I wonder if depth perception is becoming a problem. Will NOT be running her in any standard, just jumpers type stuff now.

Panic - worked on DW - at first she was getting the contacts but NOT my desired performance... reminded her what to do and she did great. Also worked on lateral distance on WPs including layering a jump between me and her. Awesome job.

Spry - worked on the box, great job. Is now looking forward when I send her to it instead of standing in the box and turning to me. She is continuing through. I worked on running with her and recalls through it as well. Even when she is set up far behind it and I am far ahead, she never jumped it. Good girl. Added it before/after a tunnel. She got it fine when it was before the tunnel, but then had a tough time getting her in the tunnel. wasn't able to do it running with her, had to recall and be AT the tunnel to show it to her. But no misses on the box, she just needs to learn to look for the next thing. But of course, we've only been doing one thing at a time so she thinks "ok I did it, where's my reward?". Hey I don't mind a dog not charging forward for what's in front of them! Same problem when we did tunnel first, very tough to send her to the box. I think in this scenario I need a curved tunnel instead of hte straight one we were working - I was def too far behind after she came out of the tunnel so she was really really looking back at me. Also worked on 2RTO using the baby DW board. MUCH more successful than the slippery board I have at home. She was doing well, getting that she needed her front paws off of the board but I was pretty certain not getting that it was the back paws ON the board that mattered. You know what I mean, she was putting her front paws on the ground and thought that was the trick, not maintaining those rear paws near the edge (even though she was, by coincidence). FINALLY she came off and backed up though to put them back on :) GOOD girlie!! From that point, she def got it. I worked too long with her though and she started to get distracted. With her for now I need to keep sessions short, and if she does wander, calling her back has NO affect on her. Literally she acts completely deaf (ok white headed dog, don't freak me out!). So, when she does, I need to run the other way with my tuggy and play when she comes back. Momma = best playmate. Hmmm I hope she doesn't need "tough love" at home, that's just no fun.

Dexter - only specific skill we worked were WPs. He is getting quicker in them and popping out. So, very positively, I bring him back to the beginning and try again. He did a good job keeping up enthusiasm for all of our little sessions. I also ran some mini-courses with him, AWESOME contacts!!! He did jump high on the AF once but I didn't reward and we did it again and he fixed it. Good little man. Teeter was perfect all night!!! No hesitations etc.

I think for dude, I need to have my mom come down with me with Havoc or something. Somebody else with dogs other than my own. Give him something to "worry" about, so we can work on confidence on the contacts in that situation.

Linda lesson for miss Panic tomorrow, can't wait (but I hope our contacts are ok tomorrow... I don't want to spend my time fixing mistakes on those and not our handling!). And up to Washingtonville for Youngstown All Breed for vending and Dex running this weekend! I pulled him from standard, so he will be doing JWW only... of course not until like 430 each day :( Can't wait to see how he handles this show, he has always been fine at Washingtonville (granted, as a spectator!)

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