

She just makes me so happy. What a doofy, happy-go-lucky girl she is. I went to the shelter to look at a different dog who had just been adopted the night before, and we ended up with Spry instead. I couldn't be happier with her.

Last night I just watched her videos from Jan BRAG USDAA, Feb BRAG Cpe & Feb Paws Partners USDAA. The progress she made in such a short time is astounding to me. And she is just so much fun to run, even when she's geing a goofball and visiting ring crew. Or whippets outside of the ring (although not fun is hearing later that either the whippet owner or gate steward said "whew that was scary" after my meanie viscious pit bull ran to visit... with a wiggly butt and tail!).

Can't wait for the years to come with this girlie. I have a feeling she will teach me a lot :)

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