

Lisa said...

I was watching this when Dan got home from VB last night - he sat down and watched the whole thing.

He quickly picked up a book when I put in my WC DVD ;)

Spry is a superstar!

Although that tire crash scared the crap out of me - it's a good thing that she's sturdy.

Lianne Martin said...

Haha that's pretty funny... Spry's runs probably provide a lot more bloopers than the WC dvd though :)

Spry is SO much fun to run! We are slowly getting there... I have to work hard not to anticipate when she's going to curl into me, I know it will only make these tendencies last longer! But it's hard, the instinct to preserve my body is strong :)

One thing I was very happy about was her jackpot run on Sat - the fact that she read my line when she came out of the tunnel and took the jumps (instead of crashing into my leg as she converged on me) is actually a HUGE step in the right direction for us :)

And yes the tire crash was TERRIFYING! And slow-mo to me when it happened. I have never had a dog crash the tire, and hse did it pretty spectacularly. She has a chiro appt this afternoon, so we'll see what the Dr says. I think her muscling probably helped save her spine some though.

Lisa said...

Have you done any of the zig zag jump exercise stuff with her? It helps them learn to read your line of motion. But, probably more importantly - it forces *you* to run. I am sure that you could run faster. And you're less likely to be taken out if you are ahead and she knows where to go :)

I'm glad that you're going to have her checked out by the chiro.

Lianne Martin said...

I was watching my runs again last night, and did think I should do zig-zag. I have ppl telling me to do jump chutes with her... the LAST thing I want her doing is thoughtlessly blasting forward over a line of jumps! Hopefully I can get enough time to head to the building sometime soon. I've been too busy lately :(

Oh, and no surprise, she did need adjusted :)

Lisa said...

Yeah...I'm not so sure the jump chutes would suit your purpose :) I hope the adjustment sticks.