
Targeting & Jump work - also, Spry is a freak, and Panic is limping

Got to work on both with Dex this weekend. He is enjoying the target so far. I'm not really going to ask him to have this gorgeous stop at the bottom, I just want his nose targeting the ground, he can keep on moving if he wants to. Did several sessions inside just getting the nose touch then moved it to the end of my DW board and got to practice that way. Did pretty well!

Also got to work on some jump stuff with him. He was so enthusiastic, I was thrilled! Especially because it was hot out! I got to work on some nice tight turns which we learned we need to work on after last Thurs class! I never have really gotten to work on them bc I've always been working on motivation and him not shutting down!

Spry, on the other hand, has turned into a big weirdo. Our neighbors have started putting their Sheltie out on a tie out (which is better than what they used to do which was stand at teh door w/a leash and let her potty and let her back in... Fancy would be *so* pissed!). Well the other morning, Spry saw the sheltie's silhouette behind our privacy fence and flipped out! She got scared and won't go by that fence now, and wouldn't for a day and a half even come in our living room bc our side door opens to that side of the fence. I thought she'd get over it quickly but she's not... I couldn't even work jumps last night bc she wouldn't turn her back on that side of the fence. Going to start feeding dinner out there... this is so weird and just not like her!!

Oh and Sun AM Panic got caught in a cord and came up limping. She didn't cry or anything and she tends to be a little dramatic so I wasn't that concerned... then she was fine. But yesterday she limped a little too. I think it's her shoulder. She seems ok 97% of the time and then randomly limps from time to time. I think she's probably fine but keeping her calm this week to be safe... flashpoint USDAA this weekend and I'd hate to have to pull!


Lisa said...

Pit bulls are sensitive, delicate flowers :) Shelties are scary.

I hope Panic is OK!

Lianne Martin said...

Yes I have been finding out just what a delicate flower she is :) And I can't blame her being scared of Sheltie's, she's learned our miss Fancy isn't too be messed with .

Panic seems to be a-ok, she hasn't limped at all since early Monday AM and was wrestling some with Spry yesterday afternoon. So keeping her calm for the rest of the week... I predict she'll be *crazy* at the trial this weekend bc she already had too much pent up energy!