

I have a few things I'm going to work on with him this summer.

1) weave poles - he used to have great poles but they are crumbling under the stress he feels at trials. So, to make him a happy puppy we are going to work using 2x2 and basically start over, using TONS of happy reinforcement, short sessions, etc.

2) contacts - he totally BLEW his contacts at BRAG! I am thrilled he's not afraid of them anymore, but geeze little tiny dog - don't jump off so high!! So I'm going to teach him 2o2o. I tried a little bit of 2rto with him and he was so not into that and I think honestly with him being so small he was not getting the concept somehow. I couldn't get him to stand with his front feet off and back feet on the edge. So I'm going to use a dish. Which I can start training indoors in the AC - for those days when he is like "heck no mom, it's hot out there!"

Also, I just got from Clean Run a cool coat for him, and Power Boost for all the dogs to recover faster at trials.

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