
Worked on DHS on Sunday

Went down to the buliding w/mom on sun. Worked Spry, Dexter (some!) and Panic. Mom brought Neat since Fada is hopefully incubating some cute new pods :) We started on the 1 jump foundation RTH - not that we haven't done this before, but as always it needs fine tuned!

Dexter - Pretty much decided he doesn't need this. I mean, HE decided this. And, since it was demotivating to him, I just let him run the tunnel->AF a few times, which he LOVED and boy oh BOY if that man ever decides to run (the right obstacles) at a trial, he could kick 8" butt! Of course that also depends on his 3rd measurement being under 11"... I'm pretty nervous about being in that situation where the next measurement is the one that counts for good!

Spry - The star of the day (of course she has worked on this the most in recent months). She did a great job with 1 jump no motion RTH, and once I added handler motion I was very pleased to see how she did. She did great at first, and then I got cocky & started moving too soon before she was committed. As a novice dog should, she pulled off (good girl). She started too by taking off from way too far back (as soon as I started my movement), I think she was panicking that I was moving and wanted to get to me NOW. She did a lovely job of adjusting when I didn't reward, and adding in a small step to collect before hand :) Next time working we will move onto the next step, whatever that is (two jumps I think).

Panic - It was very interesting. I assumed "She will do this fine, she OVER collects most of the time!" But, I worked her at 16" now that she will be running in Perf. She looked SUPER goofy when starting right in front of the jump. She just kind of flung her body over, since she really doesn't have to jump too much @ 16". So I backed her up some so she could use a stride or two, and at first she was definitely overjumping (length wise). She started to think though and adjusted, and did some beautiful ones, and we also moved onto using handler motion, she did fine as I expected, but boy does she commit late.

Hopefully will get to train again Thurs - but not sure, this week is really busy! It was a lot of fun - and it's going to take eons to work through the whole book for sure :)

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Interesting to read about Panic's reaction. Good for you for letting her work it out at her new jump height! This is kind of unrelated, but I'm finding Emma's ability to jump UP and stick landings is proportional to hindquarter strength. She's been doing a lot of theraball work lately and had fabulous foundation RTHs the other day.