
Max! (AKA, the PPod puppy formerly known as "Drummer")

He's baaack! Yesterday I met Carol and picked up Drummer. He's a wonderful little pup, who will be going to the Chicago area in a few weeks to be a loved pet to the mother of a friend. In the meantime, he's here to hang out withe the gang and me for awhile. We're hoping to have the housebreaking thing n hand before he leaves and teaching him his new name. Maybe a few fun things along the way as well!

I didn't get home till evening with him yesterday, had to potty, feed and then be gone for several hours. So not much happening, but I did snap some pics. He was pretty good in his crate last night. I spent the night on the sofa, to be next to his crate. I don't like totally isolating new babies at night. He fussed for awhile, then settled down.

This morning we had our first "Your name is 'Max' now " lesson. I fed him his breakfast kibble by kibble, while using his new name, pretty much the Deb Jones "In your face recall" game. "Max", pop a kibble to him, "Max", pop a kibble to him, all while sitting right in front of him) I'm fairly certain he didn't quite get it yet, but it will come. : ) We will add asking for polite behaviors "sit" and "down"  to get his food in the coming days.

He is already going UP my open backed basement stairs on his own! Not quite brave enough to come down more than a step or two, and I'm okay with that for now actually!

Right now I need to get to work though, so he's eaten, been outside to potty, played, and is now tethered to me at my desk with an ample supply of toys. He was NOT very happy about it at first, but after a little rodeo bucking, realized it was no use.

He is currently taking the leg off of a stuffed squirrel, that was already pretty beaten up. It is actually a toy that I got when Havoc was a pup, over 9 years ago. It has been suitable only for babies for a very long time, since it WAS already raggedy.

Well, need to take advantage of puppy quiet play time to work, then back outside with him, play, then pop him in his kennel for a nap.

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