
Max, day 4

He has settled in nicely. Really a very calm, relaxed little guy. Kind of nice. ; > We train with 1 or 2 meals/day. He seems to be getting his name, we've added "Come" now, so he's getting a "Max, come!" for the kibbles.  I am using a command only because I am 99% sure of getting the behavior, when he is sitting right in front of me and knows his food bowl is behind me.

I have also introduced the clicker to him yesterday. He is learning a sit. We also do this during meals. So, if I don't call him to me, he is learning to sit, by default. I have no used a command with it yet. He is getting that click means treat though.

He hasn't had an accident while lose in the house yet. I've been pretty good about keeping an eye on him, when he is not crated or tethered to me. (right now I am sitting at the desk and he came over and hopped in my lap for a nap, WHAT a cuddler!) This means, of course, that I will start to get over confident and lazy, and he will, sooner or later have a housebreaking lapse. : ) NOT that I am calling him housebroken, by any means. At this stage, I am good at getting him out at the right times. He's not yet figured out to indicate he needs out, I expect that will come soon.

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