
Spry training - DW, WP, Teeter

Ok I did get a chance to work on 2x2s yesterday before heading to the building. I measured and they are now 40" apart. She is doing pretty well, I'm pleased with the progress. Should be able to move closer again next session... Monday.

Worked on DW at the building, was able to move the height up several links - I think we're pretty close to competition height. Still running fast, still stopping well. Also there was a tunnel entrance aimed right at one end, and seeing that enticing tunnel did NOT cause her to mess up. GOOOD lady :) Also did some tunnel -> DW which she handled nicely. She did have her first spectacular fall off of the DW. Considering her recklessness I'm surprised it hadn't happened yet. She fell off the middle of the top board onto her side - she seemed OK and we got a few reps in again to make sure she wasn't spooked. She was reasonably cautious the first time back on, but was then back up to speed :)

Teeter - have done tippy board before but yesterday was the 1st time on a full teeter that moves. We started with it going from 24"->24" table so it didn't tilt, then did 24"->16", 24"->12", and got down all the way to 24"->ground. She did awesome, wasn't nervous, and I saw no reason to spend extra time on the various heights. She was going quickly with no fear. As soon as the board was on the ground she began offering 2rto. I love this dog!

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