

BRAG S/A trial this weekend. I entered dude in everything, so 5 runs Sat and 4 Sunday. Good news is that he didn't tire out with that many runs! Some were great, some were ok, one was AWFUL (well he didn't really give it any time to be anything but!). We realized Fada and Dex were one after another a few times in the run order. Well Dex is *obsessed* with her, and I knew wouldn't run if he knew she was right there. Sat Std - she ran, one dog ran in between, then us. I kept him somewhat hidden while she ran, but he's no dummy, plus it obviously smelled like her. I took him to the gate while the dog before us ran - a little, golden, fuzzy dog with a lady running - if you squinted you could have thought the two of them were my mom and Fada. Dex kept straining like "is it them?? It smells like them here, doesn't quite look like them, but it must be!". So he started out the course ok - tunnel. And then, prompt exit from the ring :)

But no problems with that on any other runs! He Q'd in the last two runs Sunday - Gamblers and Snooker. Gamblers was pretty good, snooker was pretty messy but somehow we made it in time. He had some great jumpers runs but got stuck at one place in each to be overtime. Saturday snooker was fun and fast, but got stuck on the teeter. Sunday standard was awesome - he was pretty speedy on his contacts and had lots of fun :) We're finally hitting our stride, or at least getting there!

Panic ran in P1 all weekend - good news, from reviewing the vids I think she's extending 50% of the time I think she should be. HUGE improvement!

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