
Wed evening update

Piper and Drummer continue to put on approximately an ounce per day! And Piper has nearly caught Drummer. At six days old, they pretty much still spend their days doing nothing but eating and sleeping.

Since there are just the two of them, they don't have the jostling and fighting for position to nurse that their Border Collie roommates do. So I spend some time sitting next to the box bumping them around a little (gently, of course. ), pushing them aways from the teats, making them work a little to get there.

Fada is starting to ask to come out of the pen occasionally, even when she doesn't need out to potty. So while she is still really a great Momma, she's ready for a little time off, here and there.

Tomorrow will be a pretty traumatic day for baby PPods... I think I need to trim their nails. ALWAYS a chore on the little ones. Wish me luck!

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